If you’ve been paying attention lately you’ve probably heard about the 4B movement. The 4B movement is a Feminist movement that originated in South Korea in the 2010s. Women say no to sex, dating, Marriage, and children. This movement has been trending on social media in the United States greatly due to Trump’s victory and the rise of conservative ideation policies. PBS states the following in their article “The idea behind the movement is individual resistance against what it defines as a conservative political environment and the corrosion of reproductive rights”. Many women have already stated they are taking part in the movement. However, what about the women who want to find love but also want to support women’s rights? How can they also make a difference? These are some you can make a difference
Only date men who are respectful of you and support women’s rights
Remember to really take your time getting to know the men you decide to date. The truth is in order to really make changes we need the support of men. We are strong in numbers when it comes to supporting women’s rights. This is why I believe we as women must have men in our support system. We need men in the fight for women’s rights to really make a change. By only dating, marrying, and possibly bearing children for men who support women’s rights we are rewarding only the men who support us. This is why it is important that we really get to know the men we are dating. We must have these important conversations early on and find out where they stand on women’s reproductive rights etc. We must get to know them through conversation in private and around others. Get to know their friends and family, listen to what they say and what they don’t say when around others.
Raise Children who respect women and support women’s rights
If you end up deciding to have children raise children who are not only friendly, and compassionate but respect women after all they are the next generation.
News, P. (2024, November 9). No sex. No dating. No marriage. No children. Interest grows in 4B movement to swear off men. PBS News. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/no-sex-no-dating-no-marriage-no-children-interest-grows-in-4b-movement-to-swear-off-men